Three day First Aid at work

Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for a First Aider in the Workplace, this three-day qualification will give the participants a qualification to the highest level of First Aid, meeting the statutory requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.

1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work

Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for an Emergency First Aider in the Workplace, this one-day qualification meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.

Additional courses include:
Activity First Aid - FAA Level 3 Award
Annual Refresher for First Aiders
Appointed Person - 2 hour
Basic Life Support - FAA Level 2 - 3 hours
Basic Life Support NON-REGULATED
BLS & Safe Use of an AED - FAA Level 2 Award - 4 hours
Defibrillation - FAA Level 2 Award (CPR & AED skills) 1-day
Defibrillation Annual Refresher - Half Day
Emergency First Aid at Work - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
FAW Re-qualification - FAA Level 3 - 2 day
First Aid at Work - FAA Level 3 - 3 day
Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
Oxygen Therapy Administration - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
Paediatric Emergency First Aid - FAA Level 3 - 1 day
Paediatric First Aid - FAA Level 3 - 2 day